22いいね 705回再生

10TH BIRTHDAY ON THE RED CARPET | Sight & Sound Theatre Queen Esther Premiere

For her birthday, all Ashten wanted was to see QUEEN ESTHER at ‪@sightsoundtheatres‬. And what an experience!! We received an invitation to go to SIGHT & SOUND THEATRES to see QUEEN ESTHER before it debuted?? This was truly a ONCE IN A LIFETIME evening!! RED CARPET, formal attire, cameras, food, dessert were just icing on the cake! What a special 10TH BIRTHDAY that I am sure Ashten will never forget.

Keywords, tags, and other algorithms aside. Queen Esther was an amazing performance and we cannot wait to take the rest of the family and anyone else who wants to go. The opportunity to watch the show with the creators, staff, and crew along with their loved ones was an experience I will not forget. The pride was palpable. The cheers, belly laughs, and applause was genuine. And, I am sure the actors put on their best performance of the year.

Special thanks to Anika. We are so proud of you, the work you have done is amazing. Also, we're ready for you to come help us beat Jared in a few board games! ;)

If you're in the Branson or Lancaster area, you MUST check out ‪@sightsoundtheatres‬!!
Website: www.sight-sound.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sightsoundtheatresbranson
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sightandsoundtheatres/
Youtube: ‪@sightsoundtheatres‬

There are lots of FAMILY VLOGGERS out there, we are so glad you have chosen to join us!

#sightsoundtheater #sightandsound #bransonmo #bransonshows #queenesther #queenestherdebut #birthdaysurprise
Intro 0:00
Guessing Where Mom Is: 1:08
The Morning Of: 2:16
The Surprise: 2:51
Getting Ready: 5:56
The Premiere: 6:37
Our Thoughts: 9:49
Some of our Gear
Main Camera: amzn.to/3B9ansd
Smaller Camera: amzn.to/3zetJKJ
GoPro: amzn.to/3BdVGnI
Drone: amzn.to/3erHHRy
Tripod: amzn.to/3krCRHx
Microphone: amzn.to/3wKca3n
*these are affiliate links and we may receive a small commission if you purchase using our links. Thank you so much for your support!!
You can find more of what we use on our kit.co site: kit.co/zero2fivefamily
Curious about anything? Ask! 😊
Thank you so much for watching! Please subscribe:    / @zero2fivefamily  
We want to answer your questions about foster care and adoption! Contact us through our website and find resources like parenting and adoption resources in addition to website and vlogging resources.

Or, message us on:
INSTAGRAM @zero2fivefamily www.instagram.com/zero2fivefamily/
FACEBOOK @zero2fivefamily www.facebook.com/zero2fivefamily/
TWITTER @zero2fivefamily twitter.com/zero2fivefamily

We would love to hear from you!
Zero2Five Family
P.O. Box 625
Reeds Spring, MO 65737

#vloggingfamily #youtubefamily #christianfamilyvloggers #adoption #fostercare
All music and sound effects from ‪@epidemicsound‬
Use this link for 30 days free!!
We are the Black Family! We went from zero to five kids overnight through the miracle of adoption and foster care. We are learning to be a family together and want to inspire and encourage others to get involved in their state's foster program. We take lots of adventures together but...let's face it...parenting 5 kids is an adventure all on it's own!