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Patient Cases with Answers, Post Recap, and Q&A | #DrugQueryInbox v4

🌟 Drug Query Inbox Episode 4
Patient Case Post Recap
Role of clindamycin for necrotizing fasciitis?
Changing anticonvulsant therapy?
Benefit of tenecteplase over alteplase for massive PE?

Welcome to PHARMWYZE! Clinical pharmacotherapy content made for learners of all medicine backgrounds. Thanks for joining my video series, #DRUGQUERYINBOX. I often get questions in the comments on my social media platforms, which I'll compile into weekly to biweekly videos.

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Powers WJ, Rabinstein AA, Ackerson T, et al. Stroke. 2019 Dec;50(12):e344-e418.
Korkowsi KA, Bachmann LH, Chan PA, et al. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2021 Jul 23;70(4):1-187.
Pantel P, Peterson CD. Ann Emerg Med. 1980 Nov;9(11):588-90.
Javaudin F, Lascarrou JP, Bastard QL, et al. Chest. 2019 Dec;156(6):1167-1175.
Batchelor R, Liu DH, Bloom J, et al. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2020 Jul;96(1):76-88.
Bosson N, Isakson B, Morgan JA, et al. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2019 Sep-Oct;23(5):603-611.

Not medical advice. Educational purposes only. No relationships to report.

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