Dr. Dick Thompson is a MACV-SOG U.S. Army Special Forces Vietnam War veteran. Following 21 years of military service, he founded High Performing Systems, applying his combat-tested principles to help organizations and leaders perform at their best. He is the author of SOG CODENAME DYNAMITE BOOK 1, SOG CODENAME DYNAMITE BOOK 2, and THE STRESS EFFECT.
Instagram - @hps_ceo
Facebook - @dick.thompson
Website - www.hpsys.com/
Instagram - @JackCarrUSA
X - @JackCarrUSA
Facebook - @JackCarr
YouTube - @JackCarrUSA
CRY HAVOC – A Tom Reece Thriller www.officialjackcarr.com/books/cry-havoc/
Bravo Company Manufacturing Mk15 Timepiece - MOD3:
bravocompanyusa.com/bcm-mk15-timepiece-mod-3/ and on Instagram @BravoCompanyUSA
THE SIGs of Jack Carr, From True Believer: M17/M18, P365, P320, P320X-Carry
Visit www.sigsauer.com/ and on Instagram @sigsauerinc
STACCATO HD: staccato2011.com/hd and on Instagram @staccato2011
Jack Carr Gear: Explore the gear here jackcarr.co/gear