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Live Look! New 10 Trees on MrMaple.com live!

10 New Trees Added at 10 AM(EST) on #MrMaple


We have a lot of new trees coming out every week in limited numbers. Every Tuesday at 10am (EST) we will have 10 new trees on MrMaple.com. Most of these new trees for purchase online will be Japanese maples, but will also include new ginkgo trees, dawn redwoods, and many other woody ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants.

Below are the new trees added to MrMaple.com today that are featured in this video:

#Acerpalmatum 'Kochidori'
#Ginkgo 'Spring Grove'
Prunus x 'First Lady'
Acer palmatum 'Nebula'
Pinus densiflora 'Golden Ghost'
Cornus kousa 'Satomi'
Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade'
Liquidamber 'Silver King'
Acer palmatum 'Manyo no sato'
Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis'
Acer palmatum 'Red Pygmy'
Acer palmatum 'Verkade's Wintergold'
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Baldsmith'
Acer palmatum 'Kurenai jishi'
