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The Ultimate Chess Tactics Test - Can You Solve It? #chess #chessquiz

Game 1:
⭐ Forintos, Gyozo V vs Kortschnoj, Viktor
📅 1975.??.??
🏆 Moscow
🎯 Can you find the brilliant move at move 39?

Game 2:
⭐ Korneev,O vs Shirov,A
📅 2006.12.22
🏆 XVI Magistral A
🎯 Can you find the brilliant move at move 38?

Game 3:
⭐ Basman, Michael J vs Diesen, Mark C
📅 1974.??.??
🏆 Hastings 7475
🎯 Can you find the brilliant move at move 36?

🔍 How to play:
1. Watch carefully when the position appears
2. Pause the video when you see 'Guess The Move'
3. Try to find the best move before the solution is shown

💡 Tips:
Look for tactical themes like pins, forks, and sacrifices
Consider the position of both kings
Think about potential threats and coun