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Why INFJ Women Have No Friends

The INFJ personality is the third rarest type for women on the Myers-Briggs list. This type stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Judging (J) – and it’s this unique combination of traits that makes them so rare. While this personality has many unique gifts such as a powerful sense of intuition, deep empathy, and strong motivation, their uniqueness can also cause them to struggle at making friends.
Today on Charisma we’re going to be looking at the 7 Reasons Why INFJ Women Have No Friends.

Did you relate to this list? Or have anything to add? Let us know in the comments! Keep watching Charisma to continue learning more about this topic and many others :)

In the meantime here's 10 Things Only A True INFJ Would Understand
   • 10 Things Only A True INFJ Would Unde...  
The Dark Side of the INFJ Personality Type
   • The Dark Side of the INFJ Personality...  

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