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1827 Robert Brown was studying pollen grain suspended in water using a microscope, he was very surprised to observe that they were in a state of continuous random motion.
He could not account for this movement, but later scientists discovered that the movement of the pollen grain was due to the collision of the water molecules against the pollen grains.
If you observe smoke particles in air, you will notice that they experience similar movement.
As a result of such observations, scientists concluded that the molecules of liquids and gases are in a state of constant, random motion, an idea known as the “kinetic theory of matter”

Experiment1.3: Brownian motion
Aim: To demonstrate Brownian motion in air/ a smoke cell
Materials: glass (smoke) cell, optical microscope, converging lens, a lamp/ torch lamp Procedure:
Set up apparatus as shown in the figure below; a small glass cell in which smoke has been trapped is view through a microscope. A converging lens or glass rod is used to focus the light from a lamp into the glass cell

Observation of Brownian motion

When the light strikes the smoke particles it is scattered and the smoke particles are observed as bright specs of light. They are also seen to be moving about in a zig-zag manner.
This zigzag movement is due to the collisions of the smoke particles with invisible air molecules that are also moving about randomly in the smoke cell.

The zigzag pattern of air particles movement is illustrated in figure below.

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