Intro regulars: Schumann Resonance News for 1 place on Earth! (Heart Math Institute website is still down!) Card for the Collective segment. Tonight's Card from: Rebel Deck. Sun activity, cosmic radiation news, solar wind news. NASA's all sky cameras and fireball news for the USA.
Intro: A discussion on taking naps and giving yourself time to adjust to the Ascension symptoms that are happening across the planet right now. I read a list of new Ascension Symptoms.
Tonight's Topic: Peruvian Fairy Tales, Myths And Legends! Stories of how the Earth was created, the flood myth (hhhmmm.. Noah and his Ark come to mind here!), The story of the Shepherd and the Daughter of the Sun and more. I also relay how I came by my ancient Incan tongue that I found in front of a portal (Stargate?!) And tell the legend of the High Incan Priest who was given the Golden key by.. aliens?! And how he disappeared through this portal with which I am now obsessed!!
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🌜💙 🌴CBD oil link is here: Now Available: Super High Quality 10X CBD OIL! ( That's CBDforMetaphysicalSouls as YouTube keeps stripping out my link! AS IF!)🌴 🌟 With your host, Reverend Alanna Fox Starks, D.D. 🌟l
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