Where to Startup: This segment discusses branding and marketing for your business, including strategy, tactics, choosing a name/brand and other helpful advice. Presented by Michelle Taylor, Account Supervisor, Spawn Ideas.
This 10-part video series answers what you need to know as an entrepreneur to start a business - anywhere in Alaska. Are you curious about how you should build your website, conduct market research or how to legally structure your business? We have a video for each of those topics! You can watch all 10, or just watch one. We hope you find these videos useful! For more information and additional resources, go to aedcweb.com/where-to-startup/
We encourage you to leave feedback and/or questions here.
If you have any questions please contact AEDC at (907) 258-3700 or email vwalsh@aedcweb.com.
These videos were created by the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation as part of a contract with Connected Nation to develop the entrepreneurial environment in Alaska through the use of broadband. Special thanks to Alaska Channel for video production on this project.