This video features Tyler Perry MADEA'S Life Changing Advice 7 on parenting. He tells parents to allow their children to grow on their on and not always given them everything they want just because they asked for. He said the worst thing you can do for a child as a parent is to give them every thing they asked for. Children need to understand the value of money. Parents should not have favorite among their children. Children are individuals and each child need different care when it comes parenting.
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▶︎ Speakers: Madea (Tyler Perry)
▶︎ stock Videos: Artgrid & Storyblock
Music: epidemic sound
▶︎ Disclaimer: Video Edith by From Zero To Hero 101 Team. _______________________________________________________________________
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. * I HERE BY state that in NO way, shape or form am I intending to infringe rights of the copyright holder. Content used is strictly for research/reviewing purposes and to help educate. All under the Fair Use law. * I don't own any copyright concerning the extracts used in this video. But I allow myself to use them in order to help people in motivational form.
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