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Smokin Ivories Bad Habits [Ed Sheeran Bad Habits] Piano Cover Song

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   • Church Tom MacDonald Smokin Ivories P...  

or other songs in the 12 Days of Thank O’ Licious Tributes playlist

   • Smokin Ivories 12 Days Of Thank O' Li... …


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Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits

The first time I heard this song, my son was singing it as he got into my truck and I asked him if he made that up and he said no, it’s Ed Sheeran. I immediately pulled it up and thought this song was awesome. We decided to give a different twist and rock it.
Ed Sheeran is the man and probably one of the most talented singer/songwriters ever! Thank you Ed Sheeran!!!
Sincerely & Thank You!!!

On behalf of all of the Smokin Ivories Crew!!

James-Christian Daniels
“Music Against All Odds”
and Chase too!!

See the links below:

Ed Sheeran: youtube.com/c/EdSheeran
Bad Habits:    • Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits [Official Video]