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Session 24 - Advanced Matplotlib | DSMP 2022-23

Data Science Mentorship Program (DSMP) 2022-23

Enroll in this Programme from our Website - learnwith.campusx.in/

Course Website Link - campusx1040.graphy.com/s/preview/courses/CampusX-D…

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Datasets used in the session -

Notebook Links
| Time stamp |
0:00 Start
4:50 Session Start
6:30 Coloured #Scatterplot
15:52 Plot Size
17:50 Annotations
27:07 Horizontal and Vertical lines on Graph
31:12 Doubts

32:13 Subplots
54:42 Doubts

56:53 3D Scatter Plots
1:03:08 3D Line Plot
1:08:07 3D Surface Plots
1:16:57 Contour Plots
1:19:24 #Countour Fill
1:22:41 Doubt

1:24:33 #heatmap
1:35:47 Doubt

1:39:49 Pandas Plot()
1:43:27 #Pandas plot Scatterplot- labels/markers/figsize/color/cmap
1:47:53 #lineplot
1:50:42 #barchart - single/horizontal/multiple
1:55:55 #bar chart - #stackedchart
1:56:37 #histogram
1:58:17 #pie -single and multiple
2:02:54 #multiple separate graphs together
2:04:11 #piechart on multiindex dataframes

2:10:07 Session End Doubt