EPISODE - 3 -Bring DOOM to INDEV - I continue the newest hardcore minecraft challenge! The Indev Hell Challenge! I hope you all enjoy the show and attempt the challenge yourself! If not that's okay too! Hope you have a nice day!
SOFTWARE USED TO CHANGE GAME FILE: NBTEXPLORER www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-…
Game Ver: [in-20100223](1.107)
To begin, you must generate a new world with these settings.
Survive as long as possible and follow the rules listed below!
If you die the challenge ENDS!
1. DO NOT DIE! Or you FAIL!
2. Do not destroy the starter house! You cannot use the starter house blocks. Leave the wood, stone, and torches where they are.
If they are destroyed or removed for ANY REASON. The Challenge ends. (Protect it from mobs!)
3. When you begin the challenge, the sun will be up. You may not break dirt blocks until the NEXT DAY. When the sun rises on the second day,
Then you may dig away the dirt blocks. Stone and ores are okay to gather from the beginning.
4. You may not block the entryway to the starter house! You are not hiding in a hole here. This is hell. There is no escape!
No blocking yourself in a tiny spot! Become an overlord and build a defiant fortress in Hell's domain!
5. GREED IS GOOD! You may only place torches on gold ore. No Placing TORCHES on Anything, accept on a gold ore block!
6. A BEACON! If you build a 4-layer solid gold-block beacon, then you may place torches within a 100-block radius of the beacon center.
That's a full 164 blocks of solid gold, capped with a solid iron block.
7. No using cheats or commands!
Viewer request - I will use No Armor! It is far too hot in hell to wear armor and doing so will result in death and the end of the run.