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Bhadra Purnima 2021 Felicitation & Awards Ceremony

Indian continental commitee ( ICC) Presents Bhadra Purnima felicitation and Awards ceremony

Date: 31st Oct 2021, 4pm to 5.30pm

Felicitation by :
HH Gopal Krishna maharaj
HH Jaypataka maharaj
HH Lokanath Maharaj
HH Bhakti Purshottam Maharaj
HG Devkinandan Prabhu
HG Vaisesika Prabhu
HG Bhima Prabhu
HH Bhakti Vinod Maharaj
HG Sahadev Prabhu
HG Naru Gopal Prabhu
HG Mukund Madhav Prabhu
HG Rishi Kumar Prabhu

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