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Photoshop Tutorials |Dark Moody Brown Color Grading Effect in Photoshop | Download Preset

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in this tutorial learn How To make Dark Moody Brown Color Grading Effect in Photoshop CC 2021
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[1] Password: 12**
[2] Password: **90
اذا كلمة المرور : 1290 دي مثال مش الفعليه ✔
ف شوف الفيديو ومتقدمش عشان تعرف الباسورد وتحمل preset فري 😉❤
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• The file is protected by a password.
Please check the password in this video, will appear any time on your screen (upper right or left corner)
• The password is a 4 digit number, will appear separately and random.

▶ For Example :
[1] Password: 12**
[2] Password: **90
So the password is: 1290

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*i use Stock Pics of Pexels or Pixabay. All Pictures belong to their Owners




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