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Kids Corner證書課程—棟篤笑彈:即興喜劇表演班|Kids Corner Certificate Programme - LOL: Children’s Improv Comedy

#培育藝能 #artisticempowerment


請即參加Kids Corner秋季課程「棟篤笑彈:即興喜劇表演班」,讓孩子提升幽默感、創意、危機處理、團隊互信、聆聽以及發問等溝通技巧,爆發自信與魅力,建立屬於他們的表演舞台!詳情請看:bit.ly/HKAC_Improvcomedy_Oct

Why should your kids take on improv comedy🎭? Besides having (and delivering) a few laughs, it’s a great way to let them know there’s no absolute right or wrong in this world. The learning encompasses how to think outside the box, turn funny snippets in their mind into a story, express themselves through on-the-spot thinking, and hence shape their own image to boost confidence💡When everyone is laughing from their hilarious stories😂, they will experience such gratification, validation, empowerment - and bring this self-esteem into daily life. Watch the interview from tutor Miss Mary Ng with her thoughts on the relationship between improv comedy and kids development!

Be quick and join the “LOL: Children’s Improv Comedy” programme - enhance kids’ communication skills through humour, creativity, crisis management, trust, listening, asking the right questions, and they’ll shine with boosted confidence and charisma! Detail please find: bit.ly/HKAC_Improvcomedy_Oct

#香港藝術中心 #HongKongArtsCentre #兒童創意 #ChildrensCreativity #KidsCorner #兒童藝術 #兒童班 #兒童表演 #棟篤笑 #hkchildren