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[ENG] International NDCs Webinar

※ Access our website to check out presentaion materials. ※

● Date: Tuesday, 20 July 2021, 15:00(KST)
● Host: Energytransitionkorea
● Support: Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality 2050
● Chairperson: Byung Ok Ahn (Hoseo University, Department of Convergence Science and Technology, Professor)

1. Net Zero by 2050 Analysis by IEA
Dr Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency

2. UK's 68% NDC and 6th Carbon Budget
Mr Simon Petrie, Head of International Climate Strategy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

3. Germany's proposed 65% NDC target and 2045 Net Zero
Mrs Diana Nissler, Ministry of Environment

4. Japan's 46% NDC, the 6th Strategic Energy Plan and policy measures required to achieve Japan's 2030 target
Dr Kentaro Tamura, Programme Director, Climate and Energy, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

5. EU's 55% NDC and the "Fit for 55 package"
Dr Miles Perry, Economist, European Commission

6. US's 50-52% NDC
Mr Rick Duke, Senior Advisor, State Department

7. Canada's 40-45% NDC
Douglas Nevison, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Climate Change Canada

● Debate :

Chief Research Fellow, Chang Hoon Lee (Korea Environment Institute)

Executive Director, Material Industry Industrial Innovation, Eun Mi Jung (Korea Institute for Industrial Economics&Trade)

Senior Research Fellow, Seong ho Lee (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning)

Managing Director, Joojin Kim (Solutions for Our Climate)

Co-representative, Eunbin Kang (Youth Climate Emergency Action)