[ENG subs] 20220403 Viu1 Exclusive: Edan finds out that there are no bonuses for MIRROR while reading the news | Edan compares riding an elevator to life - being impatient is pointless!
Original video: • 讀報驚覺MIRROR冇份分紅 Edan搭𨋢喻人生:急係冇用!|Viu1...
Original caption: On April Fools' Day, Edan released his new song, "Elevator". Putting aside the two prank trailers, there was nothing to scoff at about Edan's song. He compares riding the elevator to life, in that there are so many things that we can't predict, and that being impatient is pointless! For example, Edan knew that he wouldn't be made a focal member of MIRROR at first, but he's made the most of every opportunity he's had and never complaining about lacking in them. It just goes to show that character defines your destiny and attitude shapes your success. Mr. E is truly exemplary of this sentiment!
Edan, who has always had a very good temper, inevitably experiences moments of stress. He has Anson Lo and Jer as his confidantes, and even shares some of their hilarious experiences!
#EdanLui #呂爵安 #MIRROR #mirrorweare #AnsonLo #盧瀚霆 #JerLau #柳應廷 #花姐 #Elevator #Elevator🛗 #ViuTV #Cantopop #廣東歌 #edansdaisubs #羅家英 #LawKarYing #KittyYuen #阮小儀 #Englishsubtitles #englishsubs #edansdaisum