7いいね 32回再生

IZURU VS ABIRAMA! Bleach Ep.218 Reaction

Welcome to our channel theABTV!
It’s Alex & Bryan here to continue this journey of Bleach!
Alex & Bryan have no idea what is coming their way!
Enjoy the reaction and don't forget to hit that subscribe button.

Thanks for Watching!

Bleach is about a kid name Ichigo Kurosaki who can see ghosts & becomes a soul reaper.

#bleach #bleachreactions #bleachreaction #ichigo #orihime #chad #rukia #rukiakuchiki #ichigokurosaki #uryu #urahara #hanataro #ichigovsrenji #aizen #bleachanime #ginichimaru #kenpachi #kenpachizaraki #kyoraku #anime #animereaction #bleachanime #bleachanimereaction
#ganju #yoruichi #yoruichishihoin #mayuri #toshiro #byakuyakuchiki #byakuya #soifon #ichigobankai #bankai #grimmjow #vastolorde #menosgrande #arrancar #tosen #nelliel #izuru #yumichika #hisagi #ikaku

Patreon: www.patreon.com/theABTV

Bryan: www.twitch.tv/abtvbryan
Alex: www.twitch.tv/abtvalex


Email: Somosloscuatro4@hotmail.com

Alex- Music composer/ audio editor
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/3tQ1D8fTKJrAPg4Mbcrx4e?si=…
Bryan- Video editor