This is a video message from CEO and his wife who makes delicious organic ghee of Pure Indian Foods in the United States. You can also read the story of Pure Indian Foods inf English as below. Enjoy!
ピュア・インディアン・フーズ社のCEOと奥様(おいしい有機ギーの製造をご担当されています)から、goNatural TVをご覧の日本のみなさまへメッセージが届いています。
☆The Story of Pure Indian Foods☆
In 1889, Lala Khoobram Agarwal, our great-great-grandfather, launched a pure ghee business in northern India. After 5 generations and 127 years in this business, we are still learning! The Agarwal family continues to build upon its proud heritage by focusing on quality and not on quantity.
Organic, Grass-Fed & Pasture-raised Cows
Our ghee is made with milk obtained only during spring thru fall, when the cows are out to pasture eating fresh green grass. A small portion of the cows' diet may include certified organic, 100% GMO-free feeds per their needs, and as such, we don't make a 100% Grassfed claim. USDA Organic label requires that cows are never fed GMOs, and are not given any hormones or antibiotics. Also, no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used on the cows' feed. The milk comes from many different breeds of the cows, all of which are grassfed and raised organically.
Grassfed milk contains fat-soluble vitamins and naturally occurring Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Our ghee is Certified Organic by New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA).
Made From Non-homogenized Milk
Homogenization is a process that breaks up fat globules in milk or cream to such a small size that they remain suspended evenly rather than separating out and floating to the surface. We use non-homogenized milk to make our ghee.
Our Proud Heritage
We are passionate about ghee! We are keeping our family tradition alive and preserving our heritage. We make the finest grass-fed, organic ghee products in the world!
Made Fresh In Small Batches
Our ghee is made fresh in small batches in stainless steel equipment. We include best use by date for your convenience of safe use. Our ghee products are made with pride in New Jersey, USA with organic methods, using the milk of the cows that are raised in the USA.
Production Facility
We make our ghee products in commercial, well equipped production facilities that adhere to cGMP.
All of our products are Non-GMO.
100% Vegetarian
The only ingredient in our Grassfed Organic Ghee product is butter made from cow's milk. As such, it is 100% vegetarian.
Our Approach to Customer Service
"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work - he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him."
Mahatma Gandhi