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{ENG SUB}★ 椰子雪耳豬骨湯 一 簡單做法 ★ | Coconut Pork Soup Homemade Recipe


Mama Cheung's Coconut Pork Soup is a nourishing soup! It helps to soothe a scratchy throat and irritable lungs. I hope you will like this! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

材料 Ingredients (四至六人份量 4-6 people portion)
五百克豬骨或豬展 500g Pork Shin or Pork Bone
四十克生薏米 40g Barley
三個無花果 3 Dried Figs
兩個蜜棗 2 Dried Mutchu Dates
二十克南北杏 20g Apricot Kernels
兩顆紅蘿蔔(五百克)2 Carrots (500g)
一個椰子(四百七十克)1 Coconut (470g)
二十克乾雪耳 20g Dried Snow Fungus
五公升清水 5 Liter Water

#張媽媽 #椰子湯 #中式湯
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