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Speed is your friend and Mountain Biking is dangerous!💥...IS THIS TRUE?! #015

Sharing my frustration with you (in a constructive way) - because I believe sharing it will contribute to making mountain biking safer! As a full-time coach and graduate mental trainer I KNOW how the brain and body work - but to me it seems as though some people rather ignore the facts - perhaps because they believe in a magic pill or so... 🤨 In this episode I'm sharing 3 true stories that may currently be keeping YOU from progressing your mountain bike skills, too! I share why "you were on the wrong line" may not be the cause for a crash. If you are questioning "Speed is your friend" - OR if you have said this before - if you are crashing more than you'd like to, if you're coming from gravel riding or road biking to mountain biking, or if you have been developing fears on trails, this episode may help!

Here are my proven drills: roxybike.podia.com/mountain-bike-online-courses

Here's a FREE trackstand course: roxybike.podia.com/trackstand-challenge-drill-to-s…

My previous podcast episodes and YouTube Video I mention in this episode:

The science of learning mountain bike skills:


Why many riders get side-tracked by their ego:


Soft skills vs. Hard Skills:    • Interview: How to overcome a Skills P...  

And here you can work with me personally, from where ever you may be located: roxybike.podia.com/online-mtb-coaching

Did you know I earn €0 with this podcast?

It actually costs me many € every month, as I need to pay for hosting and spend a lot of time researching, recording, editing and publishing it.

😍 If you would like to help me keep doing so, then you can become a Patron and/or buy me coffee here:

🥰 www.patreon.com/rideandinspire
