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★ 기미를 녹이는 팩 만드는 법 ★
백지분말 1 : 고함량순수비타민C 파우더 0.2 : 히아루론산 섞인 구릿대뿌리추출물 2
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Introducing a pack that is good for blemishes. Get rid of freckles, age spots, and blemishes and create white skin.
Baekji powder is Angelica Dahurica Root powder.
★ How to make a super simple super whitening pack ★
Angelica Dahurica Root powder 1: High density Vitamin C powder 0.2 : Angelica Dahurica Root Extract 2
Just mix gently and you’re done!
It is especially good to apply it on areas with severe blemishes.
Of course, you can apply it all over your face.
Apply it like this and wash your face after about 20 minutes. When washing your face, powder may get into your eyes, so please be careful.
I hope this will help you achieve white skin.
I will provide a link to where to purcha