32441いいね 2866030回再生

[EN] 환절기 건강 관리는 핑계고ㅣEP.59

These days, the temperature range is wide and the weather is getting quite chilly.
In times like these, we need to take good care of ourselves, don't you think? I have friends that are like siblings to me, so I wanted to check up on them and see how they are doing.

Actually, it's all~~ just an excuse(Pinggyego) 🐓
I figured out small talk would be good for my body, so I chatted healthily.

Senior Yu's Welfare Content 🐓Pinggyego🐓
We don't know when we'll upload it either ⚠Sudden upload⚠
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[Channel 'DdeunDdeun' of Antenna Plus]
Directors | Cho Eun-jin, Cho Soo-bin, Kim Da-yun, Lee Eun-sol, Choo Hyeong-rok, Oh Min-joo
Writers | Kim Song-hwa, Choi Soo-jung, Kim Yi-jin, Jung Chae-hyu, Jeon Woo-seong


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#DdeunDdeun #Pinggyego #YuJaeSeok #KimDonghyun #YangSeHyung #HwangKwangHee #Seasonalchange #Healthcare

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