These days, the temperature range is wide and the weather is getting quite chilly.
In times like these, we need to take good care of ourselves, don't you think? I have friends that are like siblings to me, so I wanted to check up on them and see how they are doing.
Actually, it's all~~ just an excuse(Pinggyego) 🐓
I figured out small talk would be good for my body, so I chatted healthily.
Senior Yu's Welfare Content 🐓Pinggyego🐓
We don't know when we'll upload it either ⚠Sudden upload⚠
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[Channel 'DdeunDdeun' of Antenna Plus]
Directors | Cho Eun-jin, Cho Soo-bin, Kim Da-yun, Lee Eun-sol, Choo Hyeong-rok, Oh Min-joo
Writers | Kim Song-hwa, Choi Soo-jung, Kim Yi-jin, Jung Chae-hyu, Jeon Woo-seong
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#DdeunDdeun #Pinggyego #YuJaeSeok #KimDonghyun #YangSeHyung #HwangKwangHee #Seasonalchange #Healthcare
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