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After watching this video, you will know everything you need to know to make sense of the 40k timeline. The warhammer 40k timeline is massive! it stretches back 60 million years to the war in heaven with the necrons, eldar, orks and old ones, all the way up to the 42nd millennium. today Were going to be abridging the time line just a bit and focusing specifically on the defining moments that would shape the universe into what it is in the most recent material. The stuff I chose to leave out is important, but it doesn't have as wide of an impact on the story as the stuff were going to be going over today. This time line covers the war in heaven, the fall of the eldar, birth of slaanesh, rise of humanity, the dark age of technology, age of strife, the unification wars, the great crusade, the horus heresy, and the 13th black crusade. as well as some quick explanations of the events in between.
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Music Used.
Ghost Stories Encorperated. Owned and performed by Marc van der Meulen
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0:00 intro
1:08 The War in Heaven
10:21 The Rise of Humanity
15:35 The Dark Age of Technology
21:02 Age of Strife/ Old Night/ Birth of Slaanesh
26:11 The Unification Wars & The Great Crusade
33:08 The Horus Heresy
44:20 The 13th Black Crusade
49:15 Closing Thoughts
Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are copywritten to Games Workshop.
All footage and art in this video are used for educational purposes only.
Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Weshammer and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.