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‘Some Congress Leaders Conniving With BJP’: Rahul Gandhi | Editorial with Sujit Nair

In this episode of Editorial, Mr. Sujit Nair discusses Rahul Gandhi’s recent speech in Gujarat, where he drew a sharp line for Gujarat Congress members and workers. He highlighted the need for filtration within the Congress party. He also emphasized that the Congress party should first fulfill its own responsibilities before asking people for votes. Through this episode, Mr. Nair points out why restructuring is crucial for the Congress party at this stage.

#RahulGandhi #Congress #INC #INDIABloc #CongressVSBJP #KCVenugopal #JairamRamesh #IndiraGandhi #JPNarayan #DrManmohanSingh #AtalBihariVajpayee #AICC #SoniaGandhi #MallikarjunKharge

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