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中国公园里的“直言大侠”:大爷大妈为何如此敢说?“Outspoken Heroes” in Chinese Parks Why are the elderly so bold in speaking?

在中国休闲场所公园,我们常常能看到一群大爷大妈在一起聊天,他们高谈阔论,对各种社会现象发表自己的看法,甚至提出了尖锐的批评,言辞犀利,毫无顾忌。这不禁让人产生疑问,他们为什么那么直言不讳?下面播放的视频让大家欣赏一下在公园里采访大爷大妈,他们对一些事情的看法。In parks, leisure places in China, we often see a group of elderly people chatting together. They talk a lot, express their opinions on various social phenomena, and even make sharp criticisms. This makes people wonder why they are so outspoken. The video below allows everyone to enjoy interviews with elderly people in parks and their views on some things.#中国#情感 #熱門 #