5いいね 41回再生

On The Intersection Of SMEs And Startups: The Global Top Niche

Join us tomorrow, July 17th at 8:00 am Tokyo time for the second session with Dr. Joe Hug about Japanese SMEs and startups!

Dr. Hug will share his findings about the specifics of small and medium-sized businesses in Japan, what sets them apart from their counterparts overseas and what makes them similar to startups.

A shoutout for our sponsors:
Kanachu.com offers bilingual support in buying & selling real estate in Tokyo and Yokohama. For customized support, contact James Howell at james@kanachu.com at Kanchu (Kanagawa Chuo Jutaku).
Connect with James at www.linkedin.com/in/jameshowell86/

Houze Inc.: Offers bilingual support in custom home design, renovation, reconstruction, and commercial building construction.
For bilingual support, connect with Hana at www.linkedin.com/in/hanako-urushizawa/

Connect with Dr. Joe Hug at www.linkedin.com/in/joehug1/
Connect with Tim at www.linkedin.com/in/tim-sullivan-3528486/
Connect with Maya at www.linkedin.com/in/maya-matsuoka/

#japan #business #sme #startups