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驚愕の事実!ニューヨークのトイレ事情 | プルコギ定食 | アメリカ移住 | 40歳無職

In this video, an unemployed 40-year-old man shares his experiences in New York, including the toilet situation and childbirth costs. He also introduces the cost of living and medical costs in the US! He also shows how he goes to the obstetrician-gynecologist with his wife, who is pregnant with a baby. Don't miss the delicious breakfast and Tabata ramen! (18 weeks pregnant). [Episode 43] The Documentary Unemployed TK [Airs every Friday at 7pm] → youtube.com/@MushokunoTK?sub_confirmation=1 * $1 = ¥159.05

◽️Join TKZ // bit.ly/4eHGx1H
◽️Subscribe // bit.ly/44jlOfO
◽️Camera in use // amzn.to/3Qk1FAk
◽️BGM in the video // bit.ly/4d2u33N
◽️Unemployed TK Complete Collection // bit.ly/3L4M98A

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Mushokuno TK
141 Flushing Avenue #1125
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(I'll open the presents on my channel)

////////// For work inquiries, please contact here //////////
📩 bit.ly/45Rc64Z

//////// Episode 43 //////////
00:00 Opening
00:35 Unemployed man's morning routine
02:32 Breakfast weight loss menu
05:36 Wife's leg massage
07:46 New York toilet situation
09:18 Giving birth in America costs 3 million yen
10:58 Tabata Ramen New York
13:04 Find maternity clothes in America
14:59 Introducing what I bought at Whole Foods
16:11 Dinner: Korean-made bulgogi set meal
17:19 Unemployed man's night routine
#LifeinAmerica #MovingtoAmerica #NewYork #MovingtoNewYork