The Wild Rabbit gnaws and nibbles on the bark and eats the moss on a fallen tree. Gnawing on the tree helps to trim their fast-growing teeth. The moss provides the Rabbit with calories and the moisture will keep it hydrated.
Please see below for further description and to jump to any part you like of the video.
0:00 Rabbit gnaws and nibbles on the bark and moss of the fallen tree.
1:06 Rabbits digging and trimming toenails at the same time.
1:28 Rabbit & Squirrels chase and play, whilst feeding under a bird feeder.
2:04 Rabbit preening.
2:14 Baby Bunny foraging in cottonwood fluff.
2:40 Mother Rabbit foraging in cottonwood fluff.
3:07 Baby Bunny release from our home rescue. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3:28 3 Baby Bunnies escape from loose Dog.
3:40 Bunnies galore at the rescue release location.
4:06 Huge Rabbit warren around the dried-up pond.
4:19 The same warren as filmed through the twilight hours.
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*Title in OTHER LANGUAGES: *Hindi - Polish - Croatian - French - Portuguese - Chinese -
Czech - Dutch - Ukrainian - Japanese - Spanish - Thai - Italian*
Hindi जंगली खरगोश मैनीक्योर - गिरे हुए पेड़ पर दांतों को ट्रिम करता है बनी मज़ा
Polish MANICURE DZIKIEGO KRÓLIKA - Wykończenie ZĘBÓW na powalonym drzewie 🐰 Bunny Fun
Croatian MANIKURA DIVLJEG ZECA - reže ZUBE na palom drvetu 🐰 Zabava sa zekom
French MANUCURE DE LAPIN SAUVAGE - Coupe les DENTS sur l'arbre tombé 🐰 Bunny Fun
Portuguese MANICURE DE COELHO SELVAGEM - Apara DENTES na árvore caída 🐰 Coelho divertido
Chinese 野兔美甲 - 在倒下的树上修剪牙齿 🐰 兔子乐趣
Czech MANIKÚRA DIVOKÉHO KRÁLÍKA - Ořezává ZUBY na padlém stromě 🐰 Bunny Fun
Dutch WILD RABBIT MANICURE - Trimt TANDEN op gevallen boom 🐰 Bunny Fun
Ukrainian МАНІКЮР ДИКОГО КРОЛІКА – обрізає ЗУБИ на поваленому дереві 🐰 Зайчик весело
Japanese* ワイルドラビットマニキュア-倒れた木の歯を整える🐰バニーファン
Spanish MANICURA DE CONEJO SALVAJE - Recorta DIENTES en árbol caído 🐰 Bunny Fun
Thai ทำเล็บกระต่ายป่า - เล็มฟันบนต้นไม้ที่ร่วงหล่น 🐰 Bunny Fun
Italian MANICURE DI CONIGLIO SELVAGGIO - Taglia i DENTI sull'albero caduto 🐰 Bunny Fun
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