👉CAT 2023 Slot 1 Analysis - youtube.com/live/1TSiZBIni_A
👉CAT 2023 Slot 2 Analysis - youtube.com/live/cfA88YMx6w0
👉CAT 2023 Slot 3 Analysis - youtube.com/live/T5nYTjAPeqQ With only 1 months left for the CAT 2023 Exam, CAT Aspirants would be looking for practice session for their CAT 2023 Preparation. In today’s session, BYJU’S Exam Prep CAT VARC Expert Vikrant Kathuria will discuss most important CAT VARC questions to help you score 99%ile in CAT VARC exam. Know the types of questions asked in the VARC section, practice VARC questions, and get conceptual clarity of Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section.
Reading habits and solving regular mock tests are the tested ways to improve your VARC section. In the CAT Exam 24 questions were asked in the CAT VARC Section. Know the VARC mock strategy and how many VARC questions are required to get a 99%ile in the VARC section.
Our Experts have collated most expected questions for CAT Aspirants to practice. So, watch this session and ace your CAT 2023 Preparation.
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Our Channel Video covers:
✅ CAT Quantitative Aptitude
✅ CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
✅ CAT Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation (LRDI)
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