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Revolutionizing European Travel: Inside the $7.5 Billion Fehmarn Belt Tunnel Project!

In the quiet German island of Fehmarn, a colossal $7.5 billion engineering project is underway, set to redefine travel across Europe. The Scan-Med corridor, a vital part of the trans-European transport network, stretches almost 5,000 kilometers from Malta to Finland. However, an inconvenient stretch of water called the Fehmarn Belt has forced a 500-kilometer detour through Denmark.

Initially, Fehmarn Belt Tunnel plans involved a massive 3-kilometer-long cable-stayed bridge, similar to the Øresund Bridge. Yet, challenges arose due to the Fehmarn Belt's depth, poor soil conditions, and the impact of prevailing winds. Eventually, the idea of a bridge was discarded, leading to the exploration of alternative options.

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