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Kawaii Monster - "I AM WITH YOU" [Official Audio]

Whatever you’re going through

You are not alone

let it be know my friend
I am here with you

I can tell something
is hurting you inside

something terrible

haunting you

something from your past

I can see it in your sad eyes
I can feel it aching
inside of your heart

I wanna kiss all your scars
and remind you
just how beautiful you are

If I’m a ghost
trapped in the record
and today is
my last day
I want you
to know
my last words are
I love you

everyday I retrace the steps
its like I’m walking with you

No matter how tragic life gets
I'm here beside you.

I love you.

With you
With you
With you

Merch Store: thedarkartsofficial.com/

Kawaii Monster Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/kawaii-monster/147277784…

Kawaii Monster Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/2kdgb4XfVpr6BQDKc9lmHs?si=…

Kawaii Monster Amazon: www.amazon.com/s?k=kawaii+monster&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Kawaii Monster Google Play: play.google.com/store/search?q=kawaii%20monster&c=…

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Buy "BOTDF" Merch is here: enjoydeath.net/

Buy "BOTDF on Google Play Here: play.google.com/store/music/artist/Blood_On_The_Da…

BOTDF INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/officialbotdf/

BOTDF ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/bloodonthedancefloor/

BOTDF ON AMAZON! BUY IT HERE: www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_n_0?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=n%3…

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Stream “Sinners” On Spotify Here: open.spotify.com/artist/3IltazfZg6TXAQ6OF7X5aX

Sinners Are Winners MERCH Here: enjoydeath.net/

Sinners Are Winners GOOGLE PLAY Here: play.google.com/store/music/artist/Sinners_Are_Win…

Sinners Are Winners on AMAZON: www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias…