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QuiQ Series - Introducing the QuiQ 1500 Industrial Battery Charger

A light bulb went on for one of Delta-Q's engineers and the QuiQ 1500 Battery Charger was born. Nicholas Dohmeier and Lloyd Gomm tell the story of the innovation behind creating a new battery charger for specialty golf and utility vehicles, and boom lifts. With the same mechanical design as the popular QuiQ 1000, the new 1500 can charge a battery pack up to 30% faster.

Video Transcript

This is the QuiQ industrial battery charger.
We are really excited about the latest QuiQ Series Battery Charger we are launching, it’s the QuiQ 1500. It’s a higher power variant of the popular QuiQ Series of battery chargers.

Our customers have needs for faster charging. Typically, with a faster charging charger, it takes up more space. In our case, the mechanical foot print is identical and customers can match the same product, in the same size package, with larger battery packs. It is a huge flexibility benefit for our customer base.

So the QuiQ 1500 is a product variant of the QuiQ line and we have chosen to provide the higher power, in specifically 48 and 72 volt applications. This means that the QuiQ 1500 is primarily targeted towards specialty golf vehicles, utility vehicles, boom lifts, and after market opportunities as well.

The QuiQ 1500 was born out of our culture of continuous improvement. With the QuiQ Series, the engineering team was looking for ways to both improve reliability and also improve efficiency. The engineering team led by Nicholas, basically came up with an idea to get more power out of the same product.

Every charger that is returned to Delta-Q gets analyzed, and we very carefully document all of the different issues that are noticed in the returned chargers. Then the engineers will analyze the mechanisms, try to see if there is a design improvement that can be made to address the various issues that get found in the returned chargers. These were all collected up for many years and then implemented in one project; the QuiQ refresh project, which allowed us to then completely re-validate the product.

And so we redesigned it to take advantage of state-of-the-art components that kind of future proofed the design. Consequently, this resulted in quite a substantial increase in the efficiency of the product. Approximately a two percent efficiency improvement. It really enabled us to push the full 1500 watts out of the charger.

In North America, which is a 120 volt service, a 1500 watt product will deliver 1200 watts of continuous power. In European applications with a voltage of 230 volts or in Asia, or with split phase, or higher voltages in North America as well, you can deliver 1500 watts continuously.

So I say kudos to the engineering team for bringing the spirit of innovation into this company. This is really what this company is about.

I’m really excited to see that the QuiQ is getting a breadth of innovation into it and customers are able to take it into a variety of different new applications.

The QuiQ is an iconic product for Delta-Q. It’s here to stay. We continue to invest in it and improve the performance, quality, and usability for all of our customers.