The mention of Kriyayoga is found in Yogasutras of Rishi Patanjali in first sutra of Sadhana Pada, Tapahsvadhyayeshvarapranidhanani..., that is then expanded into eight limbs of Yoga. In Srimad Bhagavadgita though mention of Yoga begins from the verse 48 of the second chapter, the details of practices are explained in chapter 6. However, the present tradition of Kriyayoga begins in 1861 when one Himalayan Yogi and sanyasi named Mahavatar Babaji, transmitted this knowledge to Yogiraj Shri Shyamacharan Lahidi Mahashaya at Dronogiri near Ranikhet. He was a householder and was asked to propagate this knowledge among the house holders, and he had disciples who were both sanyasins and householders. However one of his advanced disciple Shri Priyanath Kadar who later embraced sanyas and became Swami Sriyukterswar Giri Maharaj and from him the sanyas tradition in present Kriyayoga order started. Recently we find many traditions emerging belonging to the lineage that started from Lahidi Mahasaya and outside this lineage. The sanyas tradition of Dashmami sampradaya is a tradition of knowledge, belongs to Advaita Vedanta tradition and uses the practices of shravana, manana and nididhyasana whereas the present Kriyayoga tradition is mainly based on Pranavidya as illustrated in Upanishads and follows the practices of yoga and agama. Then how are the practices of the sanyas tradition in Kriyayoga become compatible with that of the practices of yoga and agama. Often the first verse of chapter six of Srimad Bhagavadgita is cited in this perspective. Let us discus it here.
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