This video is a review of a series produced by well known Michelin ranked Swedish Chef, Niklas Ekstedt; who travelled to 6 of the most famous Blue Zones (or regions with the highest proportion of Centenarians) on the planet. He bagan his 6 part series wanting to discover how he could live longer, but by the end of the series, he not only had some of his preconceptions challenged, but also altered his position to instead, try to live better, rather than longer. The series takes him to Sardinia, Ikaria, Loma Linda, Nicoya, Okinawa and Skane, where he meets a range of locals and health experts, who give him some insights into life within those communities. I found this series so interesting that I decided to produce this short review, adding my own key takeaways and lessons as it went. I hope you find it of some use in your own journey of health and vitality.
All credit for footage used goes to Chef Ekstedt and the producers of "The Art of of Living" ; my use of material is for education and review purposes and as such i believe it constitutes fair use. Please see links below to each of the individual episodes, each of which run for about an hour.
#bluezone, #longevity, #lifeextension, #niklasekstedt, #ikaria, #sardinia, #nocoya, #okinawa, #lomalinda, #skane, #diet
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Sardinia, Italy
• Video
Ikaria, Greece:
• Video
Nicoya, Costa Rica:
• Video
Loma Linda, USA:
• Video
Okinawa, Japan
• Video
Skane Sweden:
• Video