So how much does an adoption cost anyway? We are excited to share with you the COSTS OF ADOPTION. We have experience with International Adoption, Domestic Adoption, and Foster-Adopt. When we first started our adoption journey, we had no idea how much it would cost so we want to share the costs of adoption with you. Plus, if you are seeing bigger numbers than you can handle, we'll share some tips and tricks for raising funds for your adoption.
Intro: 0:00
International Adoption: 1:28
Domestic Adoption: 4:03
Foster-Adopt: 6:30
Embryo Adoption: 7:42
Raising Funds: 8:06
Check out these links to find out more about the organizations we talk about in this vlog:
Dillon International:
Bethany Christian Services:
Lifesong for Orphans:
Show Hope:
Families Outreach:
Here are a few of our favorite resources:
The Connected Child:
Empowered to Connect:
#adoptioncosts #internationaladoption #domesticadoption #embryoadoption
See our camera and vlogging gear on our site:
Thank you so much for watching! Please subscribe: / @zero2fivefamily
We want to answer your questions about foster care and adoption! Contact us through our website and find resources like parenting and adoption resources in addition to website and vlogging resources.
Or, message us on:
INSTAGRAM @zero_2_five
FACEBOOK @wearezero2five
TWITTER @wearezero2five
We would love to hear from you!
Zero2Five Family
P.O. Box 625
Reeds Spring, MO 65737
#vloggingfamily #youtubefamily #christianfamilyvloggers #adoption #fostercare
Music by @ikson
Check them out here:
Song Used: Breathe (Deep House)
Sound Effects from: Freesound at
Check them out!
We are the Black Family! We went from zero to five kids overnight through the miracle of adoption and foster care. We are learning to be a family together and want to inspire and encourage others to get involved in their state's foster program. We take lots of adventures together but...let's face it...parenting 5 kids is an adventure all on it's own!!