In this White Christmas music video, I wanted to include someone very special: my husband ❤️. He is always there to support me, in both big and small moments, and I truly wanted to honor him. His simple presence encourages me and helps me move forward.
For me, the holidays are all about spending time with God, family, and loved ones, while cherishing the simple gestures that warm the heart. 🕊 🎶 White Christmas is one of the songs from my album Un Noël Prédestiné. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I wish you a holiday season filled with love and unforgettable moments!
I also want to express special gratitude to St. Léonne Bien-Aimée, whose hospitality and invaluable contribution played a key role in this project. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your generosity and support, which allowed me to create this peaceful and worshipful universe.
A big thank you to Patricia Mafu @btocbeauty for this stunning makeup! I highly recommend her—you can find her under @btocbeauty on Instagram.
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#NoelBlanc #TheFirstNoel #LePremierNoel #MinuitChrétien #HolyNight
#TheLordThatHealsThee #CryingInTheChapel