In 2016, Nintendo revealed that its new Switch hardware would be powered by Nvidia's Tegra X1 - a low-power mobile part. Would the machine have the required CPU and GPU horsepower to deliver great games? We had our doubts, but both Nintendo and a range of third-party publishers and developers delivered some exceptional results. In this second retrospective on the Nintendo Switch era, John Linneman and Oliver Mackenzie shift their gaze to the many and varied 'impossible ports' we saw on the system.
This video collects the best Nintendo Switch graphics, concentrating on third party games. For first party and partner games, check out this video: • The Best Graphics On Nintendo Switch:...
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0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:30 Impossible ports: The Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Ace Combat 7, Dragon Quest 11, Hellblade, No Man’s Sky, Ark: Survival Evolved
0:28:49 Doom: Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64, Doom (2016), Doom Eternal
0:39:07 Crysis: Crysis, Crysis 2, Crysis 3
0:45:35 Miscellaneous games: Yooka-Laylee, Team Sonic Racing, Virtua Racing, Ori and The Will of the Wisps
0:59:34 Adding TAA: Alien Isolation, Metro Redux, Dying Light
1:11:16 Seventh gen ports: Burnout Paradise, Grid Autosport, Portal, Portal 2
1:19:37 Rebellion games: Sniper Elite, Zombie Army
1:21:53 Thoughts and conclusion