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What Can I Do To Start My Healing Journey? | #AskDrJonas

Discover how you can start your healing journey in the latest #AskDrJonas

In How Healing Works (www.howhealingworks.org/), Dr. Wayne Jonas lays out a revolutionary new way to approach injury, illness, and wellness. Dr. Jonas explains the biology of healing and the science behind the discovery that 80 percent of healing can be attributed to the mind-body connection and other naturally occurring processes. Jonas details how the healing process works and what we can do to facilitate our own innate ability to heal. Dr. Jonas’s advice will change how we consume health care, enabling us to be more in control of our recovery and lasting wellness. Simple line illustrations communicate statistics and takeaways in a memorable way. Stories from Dr. Jonas’s practice and studies further illustrate his method for helping people get well and stay well after minor and major medical events.

Connect with Dr. Wanye Jonas online

Disclaimer: All information and stories stated are for information purposes only. The information is not specific medical advice for any individual. The content provided on Dr. Jonas’ website, on his social media channels and in his videos should not substitute medical advice from a health professional.