Ok, Things are about to get very deep here!
I wont get too deep as I find that the less the description I put on here, the less possibilities of the field being removed. The fields on my gumroad usually provide more detail.
This field works on so many deep levels and is such a blessing for me to be able to share it with you all. Years back I analyzed myself and thru deep inner searching, I found that my soul was encrusted with a layers of impurities caused by countless thoughts, words and deeds I committed in this life and my past life. I worked so hard to create a field that can re-purify me to allow me to be free and really get a chance to take this life by storm!
I freed myself from the clutches of my mind, matter, and illusion.
Purification of soul moves you to the state of bliss, pure love and positive vibrations.
It helps to counteract the negative influences and impressions we receive during our day-to-day life in the world while removing all evil and impure thoughts from the heart. It definitely raises your vibration and cleanses your aura thoroughly.
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