*#106th Episode - NEW YEAR'S EVE 2024*
✨ Long time no see! We've got a packed episode with a recap of the last quarter of 2024 and a sneak peek into the exciting year ahead in 2025! ✨
💬 *Tell Morgan & Matt:*
What are your New Year's resolutions?
What are you most looking forward to in 2025?
🎥 Stay tuned till the end to catch Tom's exclusive interview with Morgan about Denise's stunning new mural at your friendly neighborhood Nerd Sanctuary!
🌟 *Featuring:*
*Locally made fashion from:* @the_cottage_collections
*On location at:* @onhaywood
🔖 *Hashtags:*
#proudtobewnc #WNCStrong #halloween2024 #helpyourneighbor #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #hurricanecleanup #friendsgiving #decorations #westasheville #ashevillenorthcarolina #christmaspresents #christmasday #buylocalorbyelocal #supportyourlocal #supportart #createeveryday #helpmorgansavethesanctuary #positivenewsoftheday #siameseragdoll #ragdollcat #gettheheleneoffmylawn #localnews