9いいね 30回再生

Never sacrifice u in exchange for being liked. #spirituality #love #selflove #authenticity #oracle

God is love

For Personals sxmthefxiry@gmail.com

Readings start at $35

Hi, I'm Sxm the Fxiry and I am a very eccentric messenger. I'm aligned to those with shorter attention spans who have affinity for raw, unfiltered readers and coaches. I've been studying and practicing manifestation techniques, self concept affirmations, detachment and subconscious reprogramming for about two years now and have enough experience in these topics to return the knowledge to any member of my soul tribe. I have no issue talking about my life experiences or my more intimate thoughts on whatever topic I am guided to speak on. I give my unfiltered insights on topics that may be considered impolite. I cuss, joke around, and have outbursts as I feel fit. I am who I am.
On top of being an oracle, I am also a fashion enthusiast, jewelry designer, model and poet. I hope to be able to give you my most authentic self and that who I am can be of assistance to you. With love, always.


#tarotreading #lightworker #angeltarotreading #bookatarotreading #dailytarotreading #love #collectivetarotreading #freetarotreading #divination #emailtarotreading

abundance, God is love, infinite intelligence, manifestation, law of assumption, law of attraction, spiritual laws, tarot reader, lucky girl syndrome, manifestation technique, universe, universal law, quantum physics, all is energy, self love, self confidence, self motivation, advice, abundance, abundance mindset, spirituality, guidance, go within, how to, how to go within, channeled message, intuitive coach, tarot reader, angel messages, timeless messages, message for you, collective reading