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Losing 10 Pounds in 30 Days can Lead to Burnout

Losing 10 pounds in 30 days can lead to burnout and a horrible case of bounce back, and is not a good New Year's Resolution without a serious plan! Check out the full-length video    • Why New Year's Resolutions Never Come...   for why trying to take on too big of a resolution is bad for you!

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Deciding to lose ten pounds in the next 30 days is a bit ambitious! Not impossible, but it's more likely to leave you skipping meals, hitting the gym for hours, and eventually hitting a wall. Hello, burnout! Most resolutions are just wishes dressed up as goals. Without a step-by-step roadmap, you're stuck in a cycle of "I'll start tomorrow," which, spoiler alert, never works. And when resolutions fall apart, it's not just disappointing. It's demoralizing. You're left feeling like a failure. You're stressed out by the mounting guilt and teetering on the edge of burnout. But it doesn't have to be this way.

#newyearsresolutions #losingweight #wishesanddreams #goalplanning #2025goals