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Don't Miss These Hidden Details Toy Story Land|Disneys Hollywood Studios! #easteregg #disneydetails

Did you spot those Hidden Details Toy Story Land in Disney’s Hollywood Studios? Toy Story Land Hollywood Studios is one of the coolest, most fun themed lands in Disney World. The storyline is that when you enter, you are shrunk down to the size of one of Andy’s toys and spend the day hanging out enjoying all the rides and attractions in Andy’s backyard. It’s a lot of fun and being that small…you notice some pretty cool details that those imagineers thought of to make you truly feel like one of Andy’s toys.

One of those details is featured here. If you look closely on the ground as you may notice something very distinctive…it’s Andy’s footprint! They are quite big and pretty much unnoticeable on a crowded day, but try to check it out when you take advantage of early park entry Hollywood Studios!

Drop a comment if you found Andy’s footprint and if you have ever noticed it while you were walking through Hollywood Studios! #toystoryland #hollywoodstudios #eastereggs #hiddendetails #disneydetails

Be sure to check out our Perfect Day in Hollywood Studios video and so much more on our YouTube Channel!

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