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황홀한 빛의 감동, 서울 청계천의 밤 🐳 2024 서울빛초롱축제 ✨ 겨울, 청계천의 빛 | 4K

The night of Cheonggye Stream in Seoul has been colored with a new light.
Cheonggye Square Christmas trees and Cheonggye Stream theme festivals are beautiful.
There are many Korean foreigners who want to spend the end of the year warmly.

⏹ Event Name: 2024 Seoul Lantern Festival
⏹ Subject: SOUL LANTERN: Seoul, play with the light of SEOUL
⏹ Festival period: 2024.12.13 (Fri) ~ 2025.1.12 (Sun)
⏹ Festival time: 18:00-22:00 every day
⏹ Place: Cheonggyecheon area (Cheonggye Square ~ Samilgyo Bridge)

Maps - map.naver.com/p/entry/place/13543936?c=15.00,0,0,0…

◼︎ 'Seoul Walking Day' tries to make good videos of various landscapes in Seoul.
◼︎ ‘서울걷는데이’는 서울의 다양한 풍경을 담는 좋은 영상을 만들기 위해 노력합니다.
◼︎ 채널멤버십 가입 Channel Membership : youtube.com/channel/UCschANC5jAv8E_IC2fon00w/join
◼︎ 이메일 문의 E-mail : cinesaein@hanmail.net

#서울윈터페스타 #SeoulWinterFesta #서울빛초롱축제 #SeoulLanternFestival #SeoulWalkingDay #서울걷는데이