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Udit Narayan Songs | Audio Jukebox | Kaile Timro Paccheurima | Banmarale | Laaj Ko Lali|Majhi Dai Le

Udit Narayan Songs Collection Audio Jukebox only on Music Nepal official YouTube channel.

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Right for this video is provided by Musicnepal Pvt.Ltd.

Udit Narayan Songs :-

1. Kahile Timro Pachheurima.....00:00
2. Ma Sapanako Kura.....05:05
3. Kasle Dela Timlai Maya.....10:40
4. Banmarale Banai Khayo.....15:58
5. Kahile Kahi Mann Ka Kura.....20:58
6. Laaj Ko Lali.....24:35
7. Majhi Daile.....30:03
8. Timi Auchau Bhane..... 34:50
9. Timilai Dekhera.....38:36
10. Rupauli Rani.....41:36
11. Aankha Bhari Huinchuli.....46:15

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