what a special opportunity this has been to write a song for Genshin Impact!
being a part of #HoyoFair2022 amongst so many other talented creatives is such an honor, and i hope you check out the other works from the celebration as well!
a huge thank you to @hyosanggg for helping me produce this song! he's the biggest genshin nerd and him being just as hyped as me on this project made working on this song all the more a greater experience :')
also shoutout to @Shmolo for animating this song! they have the full animation of this song on their channel, check it out here: • [Genshin 2nd Anniversary Fansong] Bub...
this has been a wild experience and i hope you guys love the song as much as i do! getting to write for a video game as well as having my music accompanied with animation has always been my dream, and i hope for many more opportunities like this in the future! thank you for all your support, i can't wait to show you guys more :D
SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/track/4XH3NVhqdG3SPENAH6Aqtu?si=9…
Producer: Luxid
youtube: / @hyosanggg
spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/4y57gE6u3mKb3wi1uKcYcc?si=…
ig: @fresh_off_the_plane
Animator: Shmolo
youtube: youtube.com/c/Shmolo
twitter: twitter.com/shmolo
instagram ➭ www.instagram.com/chiffonhaha/
spotify ➭ open.spotify.com/artist/0lhcAgqzhRZuhHTXJsilSc?si=…
soundcloud ➭ soundcloud.com/chevyha
apple music ➭ music.apple.com/us/artist/chevy/1425598392
tiktok ➭ @chiffonhaha
twitter ➭ @chiffonhaha
twitch ➭ www.twitch.tv/chiffonhaha