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Sakari & Kamea Encounter - SeaWorld San Antonio - March 31, 2024

A rare example of sisters Sakari and Kamea carrying on with the show for their mother Takara who had earlier left her trainer, as usually Takara keeps the show going whenever the two of them have any issues! This video shows only the latter half of Orca Encounter, but I'll still add some highlights below as this is a longer video:

Earlier before I started recording, Takara took off to the back after doing a side breach. This caused all 3 whales to leave control for a while, but eventually Takara stationed in the back and they were able to close the gate leaving Sakari and Kamea out front. Then, it was up to these two to do the rest of the show! They did quite well if you ask me!

0:00 Partly through the Hunt/Splash starting with Sakari's fluke fling
0:53 Sakari's thrash slideout
1:42 Sakari's fluke splash, this type of splashing is no longer used often in shows here
3:00 Sakari and Kamea are asked for a center bow but Sakari did a center alien instead (thumbnail)

5:40 Finale starting with Sakari's center back breach, Kamea is then asked for a center bow but she doesn't do it
6:58 Sakari's center side breach!
8:00 Sakari and Kamea hula at the same time
8:38 Sakari's front flip

Sakari and Kamea (Killer Whales) at SeaWorld San Antonio on March 31, 2024.

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