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The East meets the West:Bi Luo Chun Galaxy|STARLUX Airlines

The East meets the West. @barhome1201 presents Bi Luo Chun Galaxy, a symphony of Chinese-Western fusion. By mixing gin with Bi Luo Chun tea, the signature taste of tranquility in Bi Luo Chun and the freshness of gin dissolve into each other. Putting a final touch, the fizz from the sparkling water makes the drink so much more alive. To have a sip of a mind-blowing cocktail is always the best choice after a busy day.  
星宇航空商務艙限定酒單:銀河碧螺春 (Bi Luo Chun Galaxy)
#碧螺春🍃#琴酒及蘇打水調製設計🧊琴酒芬芳中綻放高雅的碧螺春茶香,搭配蘇打水豐盈的氣泡口感🫧成就雅緻的調酒款式 🌙 告別暑氣的大人下班後,茶酒舉杯入喉,輕輕地跟自己道聲:今天辛苦了~(乾杯)  
#STARLUX #BarHome #BarTCRC #星宇航空   
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